TCM Form

Approximately one in five Medicare beneficiaries in the United States are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of discharge; up to 76 percent of these readmissions may be preventable. A common reason for readmissions is the absence of timely follow-up appointments with primary care providers to assist patients with their new diagnoses, medications and treatments.

Transitional Care Management (TCM) addresses the hand-off period between the inpatient and community setting. After a hospitalization or other inpatient facility stay (e.g., in a skilled nursing facility), the patient may be dealing with a medical crisis, new diagnosis, or change in medication therapy. Family physicians often manage their patients’ transitional care.


  1. Please fill the following TCM form.
  2. Fax Demographics & Clinical Record to: 214-390-1212

Transitional Care Management Form

Fields marked with an * are required

Transitional Care Management Form
A. Facility Information :

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B. Patient Information :
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